Exit By Transfer (Preferred Package)




By becoming a member with TimeshareRenters.com, and accepting the Exit By Transfer (Standard Package),we are under contractual obligation to provide you with offers from individuals who are simply looking to take over timeshare. You are agreeing to provide the best contact information; therefore when an opportunity presents itself, you are able to be contacted and reached.  You understand that we can NOT, and are not, claiming to “sell” your timeshare for a price value. This package is for the timeshare owner who is interested in handing over their ownership to a qualified individual at no sale cost.

You will be assigned to one of our Travel Guides, who will communicate diligently with you on the updated progress of your offers.

By clicking “I agree” you are consenting to allowing TimeshareRenters.com to provide our services to you. Services include marketing your timeshare and contacting you when an offer is available, and facilitating the transaction.

With the Preferred Package, we will also send you rental offers for your time. This service is active until you accept a transfer offer.

By clicking “I agree” you are consenting to a one time service fee of $2498.

Service fee is refundable if an offer is not presented within 12 months of enrollment.


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